Your Spring Cleaning Checklist
It’s that time of year again… you go to open your window and you notice the dust and dirt that has accumulated over the last year, you step on your front porch and notice a thin layer of pollen on everything. That’s right! It’s spring cleaning time, and I’ve got you covered with my Spring Cleaning Checklist.
I know spring cleaning can feel overwhelming, so my favorite way to handle it is bit by bit. I will set a time for 20 or 30 minutes a few days a week and knock out as much as I can during that time period. This feels much more manageable than finding a full day to devote to cleaning.
There are a few resources that I’ve found to be really helpful when it comes to how to to clean certain things, and I want to share those with you.
Clean Mama— Her tagline is “Everyday Life Simplified”. I’ll take more of that, please. She offers great free guides and writes a really helpful blog.
Branch Basics— Known for their toxin free products, Branch Basics has a whole library dedicated to cleaning tips and tricks. I also love their products!
Go Clean Co— She is the queen of clean! Bleach, pray, love. Be sure to check out their website full of handbooks, tips, product suggestions, and more. Don’t miss her Instagram stories, either!
Whether you are tossing the toxins or bleaching your way through spring cleaning, I hope the below checklist will help make your home shine!